Matt Giger
President, O3 Energy Marianas
888.999.2902 214.556.3861

Matt Giger

Mr. Giger is a high-level executive who has enjoyed the island life for past 27 years, living in Hawaii for 9 years and the island of Guam for the past 16 years. As power rates climbed rapidly over the last 10 years in his home region, Mr. Giger realized that big power consumers could immediately benefit from the O3 Energy solar solution. He joined O3 Energy to help create maximum power savings and income potential by providing turnkey solutions for both purchase or Power Purchase Agreements in the Asia Pacific area.
Mr. Giger has been a business development specialist with diversified success in multiple industries, including executive management in Telecommunications, Media, Real Estate, Food & Beverage, and Advertising. Notably Mr. Giger was nominated as Guam Executive of the Year in 2009-2010.